Author: Info

  • OCTELA: Sarah Ressler Wright’s Misconduct Spurs Resignation Calls

    OCTELA: Sarah Ressler Wright’s Misconduct Spurs Resignation Calls

    Amid significant turmoil within the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (OCTELA), the Sarah Ressler Wright misconduct has drawn severe criticism for her actions as a board member and interim web administrator. Together with Cameron Carter and Karen Carney, who have engaged in their own personal data breaches, their collective actions have compromised…

  • OCTELA Email Privacy Leak: Cameron Carter Email Fiasco

    OCTELA Email Privacy Leak: Cameron Carter Email Fiasco

    The revelation of the OCTELA Email Privacy Leak by has brought serious concerns to the forefront. Unauthorized dissemination of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) by OCTELA’s President Cameron Carter and Treasurer Karen Carney has compromised the privacy of numerous individuals. This breach, known as the OCTELA Email Privacy Leak, carries broader implications due to OCTELA’s…